
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

8 bit music

Hey guys I know I haven't wrote a lot lately(I've been playing a good amount of Diablo 3. I made these videos with chiptune versions of modern songs and thought you might like them so here is one

and this one
well I'll  tell yall next time a big retro moment  happens here cya.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

*Christian Topic* "Bible Study"

Ok so  just started another blog following  a Bible Study I'm in anyone who wants to follow along can go here . I realize not everyone s a Christian and thus I titled this piece like so.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Smart Glass Coverage?

Hey guys I'm sure you have all heard of Microsoft SmartGlass by now. The New app coming out for Apple and Android that lets your "smart" device be used as a remote/give extra info/extra controller it is quite ingenious. But I'm wondering how far the reach will extend. Will it be on "secondary" android devices like the Nook Tablet or will it stick to the primary devices. Will developers take the time to program extra controlls for it or will they let it show lore and such. Will it be something you always want to use or will it flop on its face.Only time can tell. Also if you noticed they called it the year of the Xbox(360) which assured no new consoles would be released any time soon. Yet the Next Generation still looms right over our heads. We know its there and we know it will come down the question is when. I do believe though that the next Xbox will come(be announced) within the next year and that if this lawsuit holds out they may announce even earlier than expected trying to keep the Xbox gaming alive but that's just me. Ill be watchin E3 today and try and give more info and this is Death signing off.