1. Do you want to be joined with gamers who have guilds on multiple games and platforms that all play together?
1(2). Do want a guild that also plays on specific games and/or games servers?(ex. DDO, WoW, GW2,etc.)
1(3). Do you want one that formerly played specific games?(NWN, D2, etc.)
2. Do you want a class/race specific guild? (if so I actually recommend you having another in mind for your alts.)
3. Do you want one that teaches new MMOers or gamers?
4. Do you want one that will PvP?
5. Do you want one with experienced DnD players?
6. Do you want to be with members who have played other MMO's?
7. Do you want on that will be building modules/campaigns/worlds?
8. Do you want one that will respect you?(kinda obvious)
9. Do you want a guild that helps others?
10. Do you want a guild that RPs?
11. Do Want one that will do a lot of PvE?
12. What Time Zones would you like?
13. Do you want one with specific alignments?
14. Would You prefer casual, hardcore, or both?
15. What size guild do you want?
16. Do you want one that runs new content as soon as it is released
17. Do you want one that runs a lot of UGC?
18. Do you want a guild that uses communication programs?
18(2). If so would you prefer a normal computer calling program(ex. Skype) or something more tailored to games(ex.Ventrilo,TeamSpeak,Raidcall)?
19. Do you want a drama free guild?
20. Do you want a guild with it's own site to post videos, picks,etc.?
20(2). If so would you want it to have things like it's own forum and a list of members?
21. Do you want guild that requires you to be mature or act mature?
22. Do you want one that only allows certain age groups?
23. Do you want one for specific countries?
24. Do you want one that denies people entrance into a group instance if you do not have top notch gear, best skill set or both?
25. Do you want one that will help you gear-up and prepare for specific content?
26. Do you want a guild where you get to know people?
27. Do you want a guild that speaks a specific language?
I originally posted this here, on the Neverwinter Forums
Well I hope this helps guys.
Also if any Christian Gamers out there decide to join Neverwinter there is a Christian Guild. This is the link to their thread.
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